Money Making Ideas for Creatives
Do your dreams a favor, and find ways to earn money that don't work against the career you're building. Working from home or on jobs that offer flexible schedules is one of the best ways to do that. Not sure where to look? Here are a few ideas to get you started.
Dollars and Sense: How Your Mindset Affects Your Finances
What you believe about any given situation will always trump your actions surrounding it. In fact, limiting beliefs are one of the biggest obstacles you may face, and they get you nowhere fast.
If you truly want to reach your goals, financial or otherwise, it’s critical that you align your thoughts with your actions. Here are a few tips to help you level up your mindset, which will, in turn, help you level up your money too.
How Dancers Can Break the Paycheck to Paycheck Cycle
A lot of artists have the same problem. They work like mad, and yet they can’t survive those lean months between jobs. They live paycheck to paycheck, and are absolutely desperate for that next job because they don’t know if they’ll survive until it comes along. Fortunately, I now know how to staunch the flow. Now I’m positively thriving, and I didn’t need more cash to do it.
So what finally worked? What do I now teach my money mindset clients? Budgeting. I don’t care if you’ve heard it or tried it before. This one actually works.